Who am I?

Hello, I’m Patrick.

If you’re reading this, we’ve probably got a lot more in common than you think. Thank you for joining me.

My childhood was a blend of two worlds: sports and the incredible potential I saw in technology, computers and the internet. From a young age I was dreaming of becoming a professional athlete.

My journey in sports continued until my early twenties, but unfortunately, a series of injuries brought that chapter to an end. However, every cloud has a silver lining. In the aftermath of my sports career, I found a new passion, technology.

Skipping the college route, my education came from the school of life. The transition from aspiring athlete to tech enthusiast wasn’t instant. It took some soul-searching after my sports career took an unexpected turn. But that twist of fate opened the door to a whole new world.

Now in my 30s, I’m navigating this unique blend of experiences. I haven’t been sketching or drawing, but my canvas has been the field and the digital landscape. Ups and downs in my life have brought me here, sharing my journey with you.

I am confident enough to say that I am an SEO expert with over 3 years of experience helping businesses and individuals improve their online visibility and search engine ranking. I’m passionate about helping businesses grow their online presence and reach their target audiences.

So, who am I?

Born into a family that provided the foundation for both sports and a love for technology, I embarked on a journey that took unexpected turns. Sports shaped my early years until injuries altered my path. Now, I find joy in exploring technology, computers, and helping others in the online world.

This blog is not just for sharing stories. It also reflects resilience, adaptability, and the excitement of embracing new passions. If you’re interested in technology or determined to grow your online business then you’re in the right place.

Here’s to celebrating the journey and enjoying the process.


Patrick Richardson